Monday, September 22, 2008

Pictures and thoughts of the summer

So summer is officially over now... it's kind of sad but at the same time we have some great pictures and memories of the summer!

These pictures are some of my favorites from Family Reunion at Bear Lake. What a great adventure!


tearese said...

I take it that last one is from the geocaching that we had to miss?

North Family Arizona said...

Yeah it was a lot of fun... I'm so sorry that you guys missed it. Notice that my belly is coming along nicely. Yeah, it's sympathy weight....

nAnnie Laurie said...

Bear Lake - Is there anyone that DOESN'T go to Bear Lake - funny! And 'sympathy weight' is nice....for a while - then you own it, buddy! hehahaha! Be careful and take care of yourself just as much as you take care of your wonderful family. We've extended our stay in Singapore - again - and will return (yeah? whatever!) in December 2009. I guess that's okay, 'cause now we'll have time to see China AND India =-)